Thursday, 5 May 2016

Portfolio Update

If you hop over to my portfolio site you'll see a note saying that an update is coming soon - I've quite a few pieces shown here on the Sketch Blog and waiting to have NDAs lifted, as well as a couple that are ready to be posted shortly, but I don't want to be rushing the portfolio overhaul.

I feel that a sprawling portfolio is never a great idea, and a smaller number (maybe 14-16) of pieces on the main page gives the cleanest and clearest impression of my work, so it's interesting to be balancing which old pieces come out and which new ones make it in. How has my painting changed? Have the nature of my work at C7 caused any shifts in my work? I'd also like to create a section in 'Other Work' for last year's Drawllowe'en pieces.
Okay, that's enough navel-gazing for now :)

I'll make a post here when it's updated. In the meantime, I'm getting back to organising the Ludlow Fringe's 3rd Live Paint Jam and diving into Ludlow Art Society business to help make sure the current exhibition and post-exhibition events carry on smoothly.

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