Sunday, 26 November 2017

The Laughter of Dragons Cover

Part 2 of TotD is on the way (promise), but my cover for The Laughter of Dragons got revealed and it'd be a shame not to put that up right now :)

This is the full painting:

And here, the final image as it will appear in print, with graphic design by Paul Bourne:

Images © 2017 Sophisticated Games and Cubicle 7 Entertainment
Middle-earth, The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, items, events and places therein are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises and are used under license by Sophisticated Games Ltd and their respective licensees.

Oh! I'm also going to be streaming some more art again tonight, at 7.30pm UK time. It's the usual address - Why not drop by and hang out for a bit?

Sunday, 19 November 2017

Twitch Stream - Graffiti Thumbnails

I said the next post would be Terror of the Darklords part 2, didn't I? I have it ready, but then it feels more pertinent to put up recordings of livestreams pretty soon after they take place, and I did this one yesterday evening.

The idea is to begin exploring ideas for my next graffiti piece, and that means thumbnailing. I've changed how I edit streams once they're done, so rather than auto-uploading to Youtube in 15-min sections, I download and then upload longer sessions. Given that, I'll try embedding Youtube videos of the streams, rather than linking to them on Twitch (it seems easier to do that in Blogger right now):

Part 1, up to the tea break:

Part 2, until I hit connection issues:

Part 3, when I could bring the connection back up and finish the stream:

Thanks for looking, and I (probably) will be back with some TotD pieces for the next update :)

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Terror of the Darklords, pt1

With pt2 as the next update on this blog, here's some of the work I did for this supplement to the Lone Wolf Adventure Game, from C7:

Thanks for looking!